What a weekend. Starting with being late for scouts, then being stuck at home because I can't find my wallet, and somewhere during the hunt for my wallet I lose my keys (Stephen being out of town with his keys). Not paying attention as Jacob grabs the blender as I go by so that it crashes to the floor in many pieces, and being excited for a dinner somewhat invented on my own only to have biscuits that tasted strongly of baking soda... Anyway, I strangely don't need a nap from depression, but to bring me down a bit. I'm struggling not to feel manic as far as I can tell.
Later....I found my keys! I was able to get a couple of bills paid. And Jacob has his first tooth!
Yay for finding your keys and for Jacob's first tooth! Sorry about the hard weekend though :(
That sounds pretty crazy. Hope today is better!
I'd like to send you guys a wedding announcement. Could you send your address to me? Here's my email: nikkiguymon@gmail.com
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