Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Arrival

So most of you, if not all of you, know we have a little boy. He's two weeks old now. His name is Jacob Emeron Riley. Jake to some already. Jacob Emerson to Social Security - someone messed up. I wish I could post a picture, but my camera seems to have broken itself. Stephen swears he won't buy me another one.
[Maybe I can use the memory card in the printer and access the pictures that way? Ill have to try it. ]

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Have you heard of this?

This is a program where you pay for weekly produce at the beginning of the season and pick it up every week. Anyway, I am kind of interested and wonder what you think?
The farm in West Point is closest to me and is less expensive than Zoe's Garden. I like the info. and presentation from Zoe's Garden - and it's organic- but it is way more expensive. However, they do deliver to Provo. The Kaysville website wasn't impressive, and pick up seemed more inconvenient.