The children are all off track for three weeks. It's been kind of nice to laze in bed for 15 minutes or so after I wake up rather than jumping up immediately to get them up for school. It's been a lot noisier, but as the weather improves I am sure they will love to play outside (Landon rides his bike snow or shine, however).
I've become hooked on a puzzle of sorts. It's on the Lego website (ahem) where you move legos around in a certain number of moves to get a robot to where it needs to be. Last night I became so frustrated with one level (I could only do it in eleven moves, not the 8 that is said to be possible) that I was grumpy putting the children to bed. Sheesh.
We're finishing up the color shading, I think I will post the best page from each person when we are finished. Some are pretty good; Amm-'s are all monochromatic, Ad's all have some purple, Big T's are supprisingly good and vary in color, and the two youngest have rainbows of scribble, but they sure have fun. One of my best impulse buys and cheapest continuing family activities I have to say.
I've finished up the last row on my second Mystery Quilt. Pictures soon!
We went skiing with EarthTouch again Friday. Mann, it was too long since my lesson. My first few runs were hilarious! I was so nervous. Amm- and Ad' took a lesson this time and when I saw how fast Amm- was going I decided I was being silly (and had made enough turns on my snowplow-almost-the-entire-way runs that I trusted myself a little more) and I was able to go pretty dang fast my last two or three tries- of course then it was time to go, and by the time we go again (next year) I will probably start out hilariously slow again, especially at the "top" (yes, I am talking about the baby hills, ha ha ha ha) because I am afraid I will accidentaly turn too hard and end up going down the steeper looking baby hill. Hee hee haw. I think if we don't go again until next year I had better start with a lesson again. We had better go again, though, I love it once I get over my initial psycho fears, and I really want to graduate from the "Little Cat".;)
We have a quilt group started up in the ward and it has been really fun. I enjoy visiting (o.k. so maybe listening to the visiting is a more apt description of my involvement), it really is refreshing to have contact with adults in an unrushed atmosphere (and having a reason to be together besides just visiting is also a little less stressful for the conversation breaks and all). The children have the run of the gym and we bring toys to share. So far that has gone really well. We've tied one quilt and we're quilting a baby tricot quilt, it is going to be so cute. We will probably tie the next one again. Some ladies want to learn to piece, so it has been a little bit of a dilemma to me on how to fit that in. I think next week I'll try to have both going on. Piecing and tieing (spell check doesn't seem to think that's a word?), see how that works. Maybe every other week do piecing and the other weeks do quilting/tieing? Or would people be more likely to forget if they come to only one or the other? Or should we do another day altogether so those that can't come at the time it is now could come? (Someone make a desicion! Who- me?).