Thursday, June 26, 2008

I learned something

The other night I was struggling with feeling dark, angry, mean, and just keeping hold of myself, but still being kind of rude, I'd have to say. The next morning I woke up still feeling that way. So when Jacob finished nursing before anyone else was up, I stepped outside and just looked at the roses at the front of my house and appreciated how beautiful they were and that feeling ebbed, and I took a breath of that early morning air and remembered how much I love that crips early time, it has it's own new fresh smell, and just appreciated it, and the feeling was gone, and I have been walking pretty high ever since.
It is a lovely feeling. Thank you.


megan said...

yay for flowers and crisp early morning air. And for you for taking a moment for yourself. I'm so happy it gave you a boost!

kidzdilemmas said...

Yay for cool, crisp early morning air and flowers! Yay for feeling happy!