Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Hungry hungry hippo

The last two days I have been starving! I don't know what hit me, but about the same time each day I could eat a horse. Seriously. Yesterday I felt weak with hunger even, it's so crazy, so we (Landon and I, then Stephen called as we were leaving so he met us there) went to a buffet and filled ourselves to the top. It was amazing how much better I felt. I didn't get hungry the rest of the night except for a twinge of sick feeling which went away with an ice cream bar.
Today we used a coupon for a buy one get one free burger (I ate the little bit of left over 'lasagna skillet', from the kids dinner last night, and jello w/fruit first - insufficient), and I still feel unsatisfied. At least I don't feel as weak as yesterday.
I think I am going to get a lot of the nutty granola bars when they go on sale at Albertson's(tomorrow, but I have to wait until payday Thurs.), maybe that will help. Perhaps hot pockets as well. It seems to be hard to keep fulfilling lunch food in the house.
Anyway, here's to full tummies and pantries.
Have a good one!

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