Why would anyone care if I huff and puff about chasing down my two year old, or while I hold them in my lap screaming to be free, or when my 4 year old (in the midst of the 2 yr. old's fit) tells me he has to use the bathroom that is 4 miles (SLIGHT exaggeration) away from where we are, or when again I go after the two year old when the 9 yr old is finally up for bat in the last inning? Maybe I am not a nice person, but why do they care? What do people get out of talking about other peoples weirdness? Do they enjoy that? Why do
I care? If people are the most important thing in this life not things, what role do they play outside of the family? I don't get it. Plus, the family grows up into their own family, go their own way, then what do you have? It seems like in the end people don't matter either, ultimately we are alone whether we're with people or not, so then what? A clean house isn't all that important, but then what do you
do? Because if people are what is important, then all this other stuff we fill our time with is pointless and usually ends up as something that will 'wax old' or that robbers can break through and steal? I came across a scripture about evil people taking away others righteousness in the last days. How can you take righteousness, and if it can be taken, isn't that just another thing robbers can steal? So we have nothing important. Then why
are we? And again, what do we