Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's Official!

We're due May 15, 2007


smellame said...

Yay! Our due date is May 11! That is pretty cool. So if I'm late and you're early, whelp, you never know!

Mark said...



megan said...

now I have an excuse to start knitting something and ignore teetering piles of laundry, clutter and etc.

Hope you feel better SOON!

plugalong said...

Umm, yah, 2008. heh.

inanechatter said...

I know I'm a little late but congrats!! That's way awesome ;)

micquel said...

two new little peanut kids coming! so cute. congrats! (I don't know why, but developing babies are called 'peanuts' in my brain.)